Is that we are Only a Family of four

Our days consist on Two cleanings One in the morning and one in the afternoon.

Vs big companies just want to make top $$$

So they pair them in two and get them to do as many as they can fit in a day.

And with that they just rushing to get it done to go to the next.

Over looking things that are important

They claim they have an eye for details but I beg to differ.

All my new clients come from situations,where their cleaning services get comfortable and cut corners and run.

I can promise you that’s not me as An Owner and a past history hiring outside the family bubble,the cleaners have bad habits and yes maybe they been cleaning for years BUT under the wrong supervision.

And so I steer clear from all that hussle and bussel and focus on you my clients.

I guarantee if you hire us you will never want to replace us because we care and actually love what we do.

And we make sure we are not overly booked running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

We can’t be compared to when it comes to making you happy every clean as to bigger companies just trying to impress the first few cleans and then down hill it goes from impressive service to you just ,well throwing your money away and very unhappy leaving you to look for a another cleaning service that you can trust because they make you lose faith in who you can believe or not.

Well I’m here to tell you we impress every visit and don’t cut corners

You will be so happy that you changed to a small family run Business that cares and it is my mission to make sure we please every visit.


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